
In 2021, Mike and Diane embarked on a life-changing journey, bidding farewell to California in search of a new home in Idaho. Their determination to start afresh ignited a spark of hope, but as 2022 rolled in, they encountered setbacks that dampened their spirits. Disheartened by subpar real estate agents, their dream of a new beginning seemed distant.

A Beacon of Hope: Gia's Open House

Fortunes took a turn in 2023 when they received an invitation to an open house hosted by Gia in Long Beach. Stepping into the event, they were immediately struck by Gia's mastery of marketing and the captivating presentation of a nearby property. For Mike and Diane, this marked the dawn of new possibilities.

Empowering Knowledge: The Free Brunch & Learn Homeowner Seminar

Their admiration for Gia blossomed further when they attended a Free Brunch & Learn event later that year. Here, Gia and her team showcased not only their expertise but also their extensive knowledge and impressive track record. Success stories shared by satisfied clients served as a beacon of hope, lighting the path towards their dream home.

A Turning Point: Connecting with Gia 

January 2024 was a turning point in Mike and Diane's journey as Gia connected them with a reliable real estate partner in Idaho. Through Gia's guidance, they found their forever home off-market. Navigating negotiations with confidence, they secured their future in Idaho.

Confidence and Competence: Reassurance and Preparation

Confidence and competence proved paramount as Gia reassured the Idaho listing agent about swiftly selling Mike and Diane's Long Beach home with a contingent offer. Meanwhile, Gia and her team diligently prepared the property for marketing and an open house, setting the stage for success.

Overcoming Challenges: The Open House Success

Despite adverse weather conditions, the open house drew over 100 attendees and secured multiple over-asking offers. Within days, the property entered escrow, marking the culmination of Mike and Diane's journey.


Experience the triumphs and challenges of Mike and Diane's home journey, epitomizing the power of determination, expertise, and unwavering support. Through the guidance of real estate expert Gia and her dedicated team, they found not just a house, but a place to call home in Idaho.